{ config, lib, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.eboskma.programs.starship; in { options.eboskma.programs.starship = { enable = mkEnableOption "starship"; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { programs.starship = { enable = true; enableFishIntegration = true; enableNushellIntegration = false; # TODO: Remove when starship has been updated to the new nu config syntax settings = { aws.disabled = true; character = { success_symbol = "[λ](bold #f8f8f2)"; error_symbol = "[λ](bold #ff5555)"; }; cmd_duration.style = "bold #f1fa8c"; directory.read_only = " "; directory.style = "bold #50fa7b"; docker_context.symbol = " "; elixir.symbol = " "; git_branch.symbol = " "; git_branch.style = "bold #ff79c6"; git_status.style = "bold #ff5555"; hostname.style = "bold #ff5555"; nix_shell.symbol = " "; memory_usage.symbol = " "; package.symbol = " "; python.symbol = " "; rust.symbol = " "; time.disabled = false; username = { format = "[$user]($style) on "; style_user = "bold #bd93f9"; }; status = { disabled = false; format = "[$symbol $status]($style) "; }; }; }; }; }