set window-title-basename "true"
set selection-clipboard "clipboard"

# Dracula color theme for Zathura
# Swaps Foreground for Background to get a light version if the user prefers

# Dracula color theme

set notification-error-bg       "#ff5555" # Red
set notification-error-fg       "#f8f8f2" # Foreground
set notification-warning-bg     "#ffb86c" # Orange
set notification-warning-fg     "#44475a" # Selection
set notification-bg             "#282a36" # Background
set notification-fg             "#f8f8f2" # Foreground

set completion-bg               "#282a36" # Background
set completion-fg               "#6272a4" # Comment
set completion-group-bg         "#282a36" # Background
set completion-group-fg         "#6272a4" # Comment
set completion-highlight-bg     "#44475a" # Selection
set completion-highlight-fg     "#f8f8f2" # Foreground

set index-bg                    "#282a36" # Background
set index-fg                    "#f8f8f2" # Foreground
set index-active-bg             "#44475a" # Current Line
set index-active-fg             "#f8f8f2" # Foreground

set inputbar-bg                 "#282a36" # Background
set inputbar-fg                 "#f8f8f2" # Foreground
set statusbar-bg                "#282a36" # Background
set statusbar-fg                "#f8f8f2" # Foreground

set highlight-color             "#ffb86c" # Orange
set highlight-active-color      "#ff79c6" # Pink

set default-bg                  "#282a36" # Background
set default-fg                  "#f8f8f2" # Foreground

set render-loading              true
set render-loading-fg           "#282a36" # Background
set render-loading-bg           "#f8f8f2" # Foreground

# Recolor mode settings

set recolor-lightcolor          "#282a36" # Background
set recolor-darkcolor           "#f8f8f2" # Foreground
set recolor-keephue             true      # Keep original hue

# Startup options
set adjust-open best-fit
set recolor true