{ pkgs , config , lib , ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.eboskma.base; qmkUdevRules = builtins.readFile ./qmk.rules; probersRules = pkgs.callPackage ./probe-rs { inherit (pkgs.stdenv) mkDerivation; inherit lib; }; blink1Rules = pkgs.callPackage ./blink1-udev { inherit (pkgs.stdenv) mkDerivation; inherit lib; }; picotoolRules = pkgs.callPackage ./picotool { inherit (pkgs.stdenv) mkDerivation; inherit lib; }; in { options.eboskma.base = { kernel = mkOption { description = "which kernel to run"; type = types.unspecified; default = pkgs.linuxPackages; }; plymouth = { enable = mkEnableOption "enable plymouth splash screen"; }; work = mkOption { description = "whether this is a work machine."; type = types.bool; default = false; }; }; config = { boot.kernelPackages = cfg.kernel; boot.plymouth = mkIf cfg.plymouth.enable { enable = true; }; hardware.opengl.enable = true; programs.fish.enable = true; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ clinfo dig dogdns file hexyl ht-rust jq lm_sensors nix-template nvd usbutils zip ]; services.udev = { extraRules = qmkUdevRules; packages = [ probersRules blink1Rules picotoolRules ]; }; }; }