#+TITLE: Erwin's NixOS config This configures my machines. * Useful oneliners ** Remove all files except the smallest #+begin_example $ ls -s size | head -n 1 | xargs stat -c %s | awk '{print $1 + 1}' | xargs -I '%S' fd -S +%Sb -X rm {} \; #+end_example | cmd | Explanation | |--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------| | =ls -s size= | List all files, sort by size (=ls= is aliased to =eza= in my setup) | | =head -n 1= | Take the first line | | =xargs stat -c %s= | Print the size in bytes | | =awk '{print $1 + 1}= | Add one to it | | =xargs -I '%S' fd -S +%Sb -X rm {} \;= | Find all files larger than the smallest and delete them |